Monday, November 3, 2008

The most beautiful day

Every day. It really is. Every day really is as beautiful as the last. God's plan is perfect and therefore everything fits together perfect. No piece fits better than the rest. What in the world made me write about "the most beautiful day"? Because through my imperfect view of creation today was blissful! I felt reason to be alive! God's beauty is everywhere. I sat at the fountain and just stared at the sky. It is amazing what we have to be thankful for when we just take a moment to stop and breathe. We are to busy in this modern age. We have 50 things to do and none of them involve seeing what God has put around us. Now I know some of you will disagree with my statement that every day is as beautiful as the rest, but I implore you to analyze that statement. God has made this system so amazing that every part of nature benefits something. Things we take for granted keep other things we take for granted alive. Rain for instance, we complain that we have to walk in the bad weather, but trees thank God for sending them refreshment. If you have gotten this far into this post I commend you. I do not know if anyone else ever views creation like this, but I have been filled with Joy all day at the fact that I am a part of my Master's perfect plan. I challenge you to look to creation for inspiration about God today. I feel like I have had a conversation with my Creator today just by opening my eyes and TRULY seeing what was around me. God bless!


. said...

First off, props for capitalizing "Joy," i like it. Second, go look up a poem by E. E. Cummings called "i thank You God for most this amzing".

It sort of fits your mood, and it is by Cummings, which means it is practically the New New Testament (it's getting added on at a council soon...the date has yet to be announced).

Ryan said...

"And thus as we go about the world, everything we meet and everything we see and hear and touch, far from defiling, purifies us and plants in us something more of contemplation and of heaven."

-Thomas Merton

John said...

I like both of what you have added. THANKS!