Sunday, November 2, 2008


I have none. Well, almost. I had enough that when the chips were down and I was turning belly up I knew who to go to. I thank God for that. I have tried to swim upstream against my saviour for so long that I am exhausted spiritually. I finally was able to come to God completely helpless today and have a conversation with Him that was proper for the situation. It took me having nothing to concentrate on but my own failures to be able to see through the filth of this earth and see a little light, and that is what I did. My pastor has been talking about faith in Hebrews 11 and I felt God tugging at me to check it out. WHOA! My problems are nothing compared to some of those guys. Can any of us say that we have had to spend over 100 years building the thing that God was going to use to save this planet? Have any of us pleased God in such a way that He has lifted us out of this world and taken us home? I would like to encourage everyone in telling you to not get distressed by this world's troubles. They are not ours. What I love about Enoch is that he did not look at it as being taken away from his home and family. He looked at it as being taken home to his family. So I implore you to seek our home with Jesus and to keep that your focus. I ask for prayer right now as I struggle to have faith that my Lord will show favor on me and keep pointing me in the direction that my life has to go to show Him glory. I will be posting more as God speaks and moves in me and I encourage you to keep up with my posts and possibly even throw some encouragement my way.


John said...
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EJW said...

thanks, john! yeah, i had a great time -- we should hang out!

are you free on tuesday nights? you should go to bible study with ryan & i :) you just may like it! just remember to be open minded, if you decide to go.. haha.

it's okay that you didn't show up to the party -- as long as you know you're welcome anytime.

take care!

John said...

I will be there this tuesday. I am going to make it priority. I will be open minded. I don't think I agree with alot that is believed in this group, BUT I think that it is thought provoking and will spur me to question what I believe and will strengthen my faith.

. said...

Wow...i haven't been in Troy recently, so it may have been more gradual than it seems for me, but this post was so much more refreshing and encouraging than your last ones. I don't mean that i want you to only talk about happy stuff, but it is nice to know that things are moving up for you now.

Ryan said...

quite a refreshing post!